This is a service where in you will get counselling after you get your evalution from our mentors about your performance and places to improve. The counselling would be for 30 minutes for each paper that you subscribe.
Your Answer papers will be evaluated by our Expert Evaluators.
Answer-wise Detailed Assessment Report (ADAR)
In this report you will get a detailed feedback about your performance individually for each answer that you have written. So for example if you have scored 2 out of 4 marks then you will get a feedback about why you have not scored those extra 2 marks. You need not keep searching for your mistakes in the suggested answers. It’s unique & specific to each student’s performance separately. However, for reference we will be attaching the suggested answers as well. ( View Sample Report )
Bird's Eye View - Chapter-wise Analysis
Bird’s eye view gives you a chapter-wise scoring for each subject with a rating to it. This report will enable you to understand your strengths and weaknesses chapter wise. After giving multiple tests you will be able to evaluate how you have performed chapter-wise in each tests. Please note that this feature is available only for students appearing for our multiple test model. ( View Sample Report )
Suggested Answers
You would get the actual answers for each subject as per the package selected.
Question Papers
You would get question papers for each subject as per the package selected.